CBSE Affiliation No - 1530132

Contact - 94391-29193 / 70777-24630



Students’ assessment is an integral and important part of any academic process that must be carried out periodically in a systematic manner to determine the learning outcome. Assessment in Sankalp although based primarily on various tests at different levels, yet it is not limited to tests. Assessment is also made on the empirical data obtained from students’ knowledge, skill, attitudes and values that truly reflects the inherent strengths and weaknesses. As a continuous process, the students are then facilitated to manifest their strengths and overcome the weaknesses under watchful eyes of experienced and trained facilitators.

At Sankalp various assessments are conducted at different levels throughout the student’s academic progress.

Diagnostic Assessment: These assessments are carried out at the entry points to ascertain an aspirant’s prior knowledge and school readiness. This is done to measure the minimum basic requirements before the student can be admitted to a class. If the student is found lacking, required pre-training is imparted. It helps the student understand the lectures and cope up with the syllabus.

Formative Assessment: In order to analyse students’ learning and, if necessary, to take remedial measures, formative assessments are made throughout the academic year. These assessments are conducted through cyclic tests, unit tests and periodic tests in all subjects. The formative assessments help the students to prepare for the summative assessment.

Summative Assessment: Summative assessments grade the students on the basis of their overall knowledge procured in a session. The summative assessments are conducted in compliance with the guidelines issued by the CBSE.