CBSE Affiliation No - 1530132

Contact - 94391-29193 / 70777-24630


School Policies

School Policies for Sankalp School

  • Self-Discipline is of paramount importance and everyone is expected to follow.
  • All students are expected to reach the school in time and assemble in the assembly hall.
  • Pupils should maintain hygiene and cleanliness within the school campus and in the bus.
  • Polite behaviour is expected of the students towards peers, juniors, seniors and the members of the staff.
  • The medium of instruction and communication is English in the school campus.
  • Students cannot miss any teaching, games/activity period unless prior permission is taken.
  • Safeguarding the infrastructure of the school is the responsibility of everyone. Any collateral damage shall be viewed as a violation of school rules and disciplinary measures may be initiated.

Respect and Kindness Policy

Be kind to everyone, use polite words, and treat others as you want to be treated.
No bullying, teasing, or hurting others physically or emotionally.

Attendance Policy

Come to school every day and be on time to not miss any fun learning activities.
If you can't come to school, tell your parents to inform the teacher so they know you'll be absent.

Technology Usage Policy

Use technology devices responsibly and only for learning purposes at school.
Always follow teacher's instructions when using computers or tablets.

Listening to Teachers Policy

Listen carefully to your teachers during class and follow their instructions.
Raise your hand if you have a question or want to share something.

Uniform Policy

Wear the school uniform neatly every day to look smart and feel part of our school community.
The uniform helps us identify our schoolmates and promotes a sense of belonging.

Homework Policy

Do your homework regularly, as it helps practice what we learn in class.
Ask your parents or teachers for help if you find any homework challenging

Playground Safety Policy

Play safely on the playground equipment and follow the rules to avoid accidents.
Be kind to others while playing and take turns to share the fun.

No Running Inside School Policy

Walk calmly inside the school building to keep everyone safe from slipping or falling.
Save running for outdoor playtime where it's safe to do so.