CBSE Affiliation No - 1530132

Contact - 94391-29193 / 70777-24630



Sankalp has an in-campus residential facility throughout the academic year for its students. Not only the boarding, but other needs of the students are also taken care of. Remedial classes and study hours are taken by the teachers of the school beyond the school hours.

The hostels are spacious, comfortable, and are allocated on a shared basis to encourage socialization, and emotional and mental well-being. The residential facility also has a common room with television and a common study area; dinner is served in the dining hall, which offers healthy and in-house cooked meals, with a varied menu to cater to boarding residents.

The Residential Wing at Sankalp is one that bustles with life and energy. The school is home to many students from diverse cultures, and it is this diversity is what makes life at the residence a unique experience for the boarders, who thrive in a close-knit community of friends and mentor-facilitators.


Life at the Residence, Routines & Recreation

The morning Yoga/Aerobic, the evening play and study hours are perhaps one of the most distinctive hallmarks of life of the boarders in Sankalp. The morning Yoga/Aerobic session is a time to get off to a fresh start, to rejuvenate and reorient our boarders to face a new day. Mealtimes at Sankalp residential are a time for bonding and friendship and catching up with peers. The evening assembly has been made special by a meditation session that makes our students both calming and relaxing. The session is a much-needed pause in an otherwise busy day.

Post-dinner the boarders typically unwind in the recreation area choosing from board games, foosball, darts, carroms, chess, and other board games or by watching TV.


Guided Study

One of the most enriching aspects of life in the residence is the evening study time in which students have guided study sessions under the able instruction of our experienced residential teachers, who make every effort to give each child individual attention and help them work on areas they may find challenging. Our students make the best use of these study hours and use them to propel themselves towards their academic goals.


Experiences & Events

Our students are also challenged to grow their talents and abilities through intra-group events and competitions These include sporting events like football, basketball, volleyball, cricket. Like a home away from home, the residence also celebrates national and regional festivals with great gusto and festive spirit. Regular boarders-meets, parent visits, and outings also add colour and meaning to life at the residence.